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About UsPrivacy PolicyTerms and ConditionsShipping PolicyReturn PolicyContact UsLeonine Publishers is a new, pioneering hybrid Catholic publisher. We are revolutionizing the way Catholics release the books held deep in their hearts. Leonine Publishers, by offering an author-financed, self-publishing solution, is taking the frustration out of trying to get noticed by a Catholic publisher.

Leonine Publishers accepts manuscripts and reviews them for Catholic integrity. Once this important step is completed, we turn control over to the author. Authors then have a host of possibilities open to make their publishing dreams come true. And we mean full control – an author can cancel his or her contract at any time and move to another publisher. Authors retain full rights to their work.

We extend a warm invitation to join our family of Catholic authors. We launched this publishing house as a strategic business initiative to fill a void in the world of Catholic publishing. Many, many good books are languishing in 3-ring binders and computer hard drives because Catholics cannot open the closed door of traditional Catholic publishing. Traditional Catholic publishers are typically in a very poor cash position and simply cannot afford to bankroll a print run on more than a handful of new – and mostly reprinted – books each year.

Where does this leave the new Catholic author? Leonine Publishers has the solution. We combine the review process of traditional Catholic publishing with the innovation of self-publishing. We then utilize the low cost of digital short-run printing and pass those savings directly to the author.

Leonine Publishers is a limited-liability book publishing company, incorporated in the state of Arizona and established as a NAICS Book Publisher under Federal guidelines. For more information about how you can join our growing family, please contact us.

Our Patron – Pope Leo XIII
Bishop Pecci was a prudent, yet uncompromising diplomat. This was no easy feat in the stormy Italian politics of the mid-19th century. At the death of Pius IX in 1878, Pecci was elected Pope Leo XIII. He reigned until his death in 1903.

Pope Leo continued his charitable, firm style of leadership he already honed as a bishop. He spent much of his energy trying to avert the growing animosity of the world's superpowers (which animosity eventually exploded into World War I). He is remembered today as the first modern pope to tackle the "social teaching" of the Church on economics with Rerum Novarum (1891). He exhorted Catholics to study Sacred Scripture with Providentissimus Deus (1893); definitively answered the question of Protestant Anglicanism by showing that they lost apostolic succession and hence have invalid orders (Apostolicae Curae, 1896); and elevated John Henry Newman to the rank of cardinal.

Pope Leo showed the breadth of his intelligence and his zeal for souls during his pontificate. In 1898 he warned Cardinal Gibbons of the subtle dangers of Americanism, with the letter Testem Benevolentiae; he also defended marriage as a true, permanent sacramental union (Arcanum, 1880). He emphasized the rosary and devotion to the Sacred Heart. Pope Leo recognized again and again the Blessed Virgin Mary as Mediatrix of all Graces and Co-Redemptrix. He revived Thomism in philosophy with Aeterni Patris (1880), and throughout the entire 25 years of his pontificate, he remained a voluntary "prisoner of the Vatican" to protest the taking of papal lands by the new, revolutionary Italian government.

Pope Leo XIII was a pivotal pope, sent by God to guide the Church through a tumultuous time, yet a time of tremendous growth. Today, Leonine Publishers asks his intercession to bless our authors and our publishing house. His gentle but uncompromising approach is our inspiration.
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